160 Index
- clear storage 146
- hard reset 145
- soft reset 145
Review screen (Camera) 120
Ring tone 142
Ring type 142
- about 101
- headline list 102
- news channels 101
- podcasts 103
- summary view 103
Safety information 4
Screen text size 142
- e-mail 82
- MMS message 78
- text message (SMS) 76
Settings (Connections tab)
- Bluetooth 141
- Connections 93, 141
- Domain Enroll 141
- USB to PC 74, 141
- Wi-Fi 141
- Wireless LAN 92
Settings (Personal tab)
- Buttons 140
- Input 140
- Keyboard Sliding Sound 140
- Lock 140, 144
- Menus 140
- Owner Information 140
- Phone 140, 142
- Sounds & Notications 140, 143
- Today 140
Settings (System tab)
- About 140, 142
- Auto Volume Control 140
- Certicates 140
- Clear Storage 146
- Clock & Alarms 140
- Customer Feedback 140
- Device Information 140
- Encryption 140, 145
- Error Reporting 140
- External GPS 141
- G-Sensor 141
- Managed Programs 141
- Memory 141
- Power 141
- Regional Settings 141
- Remove Programs 131, 141
- Screen 141, 142
- Task Manager 141, 144
- Text Messaging
- TouchFLO 141
- TV Out 141
- Windows Update 141, 146
Settings tab (Home screen) 63
SIM card
- install 36
- remove 36
SIM Manager
- about 37
- copy contacts to SIM card 37
- copy SIM contacts to device 37
- create SIM contact 37
Sleep mode 19
Smart Dial 27
SMS 53, 76
Soft reset 145
Sounds & Notifications 140, 143
Speakerphone 30, 34
Specifications 149
Speed Dial 31
Start screen
- add a program icon 22
- launch a program
- open 22
- remove or replace an icon 22
Status icons 21
Stocks tab (Home screen) 59
Storage card
- encrypt 145
- install 19
Straight Talk 32
Streaming Media 100
- ActiveSync 73
- change information types 73
- music and videos 74
- via Bluetooth 74
- Windows Media Player 126
- Windows Mobile Device Center 71
- with computer 73
- with Exchange Server 87
Task Manager 141, 144
Text messages
- create new message 76
- Messages tab (Home screen) 53
Text size (screen) 142
- sync connection 74
- Windows Media Player Mobile 127
Turn device on and off 19
Turn phone function on and off 41, 143
TV Out 141, 147