MSN Messenger overview
With MSN Messenger you can send instant
messages to your contacts' mobile device or PC.
To use MSN Messenger, you need Microsoft
Passport Network credentials. After obtaining the
credentials, complete the following tasks:
1. Set up a connection to the Internet with your
Toshiba phone.
2. Set up an MSN Messenger account.
3. Sign in to MSN Messenger.
To access MSN Messenger:
1. From the Home screen, select Start > More >
More > Pocket MSN > MSN Messenger >
Sign In.
2. Enter the email address and password for your
Microsoft Passport Network credentials or
Hotmail account, and select Sign in.
3. To sign out, select Menu > Sign out.
NOTE: Signing in to an account may take
several minutes, depending on your
connection speed and how busy your mobile
network is.