Reelmaster 5010- HHydraulic System Page 4 - 64
13.Remove two (2) socket head screws, lock washers
and flat washers that secure gear pump to piston (trac-
tion) pump. Remove gear pump from piston (traction)
pump. Locate and discard O- ring (item 15) from be-
tween pumps.
14.If necessary, remove hydraulic fittings from pumps.
Note orientation of fittings for assembly purposes.
15.Remove and discard all O- rings from removed hy-
draulic lines and fittings.
16.If necessary, remove two (2) lock nuts (item 10) that
secure pump support bracket (item 16) to gear pump.
Remove bracket and two ( 2) flat washers (item 4) from
gear p ump.
Installation (Fig. 56)
1. If fittings were removed from pump assembly, lightly
lubricate new fitting O- rings with clean hydraulic oil.
Install fittings with O- rings to the pump assembly (see
Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the General Information
section of this chapter). Orientate fittings as noted dur-
ing removal.
2. If pump support bracket (item 16) was removed from
gear pump, fit flat washers and bracket to gear pump
and secure with two (2) lock nuts.
IMPORTANT: A case drain exists in the piston (trac-
tion) pump and a suction port is near the input shaft
of the gear pump (Fig. 58). Before the gear pump is
installed to the piston pump, make sure that plugs
placed in either of these ports are removed. Failure
to remove plugs will cause excessive pressure in
the pistonpump and damageseals. Also, beforese-
curing gear pump to piston pump, fill piston pump
housing with c lean hydraulic oil through case drain
3. Remove plugs that were placed in piston pump case
drainand gearpump suctionport.Fill pistonpump hous-
ing with new hydraulic oil through case drain hole.
4. Lubricate and position new O- ring (item 15) be-
tween pumps. Position gear pump to piston (traction)
pump and secure with two (2) socket head screws, lock
washers and flat washers.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage machine
components while installing the pump assembly.
5. Carefully lower pump assembly to machine f rame.
Align piston pump input shaft to pump drive shaft and
slide pump assembly to machine frame.
6. Secure pump assembly to machine frame with two
(2) flange screws and flange nuts.
7. Secure pump support bracket to inside of frame
bracket with two (2) carriage screws (item 12) and
flange nuts (item 11).
8. Install hydraulic hoses to fittings on pump assembly
in positions noted during removal (see Hydraulic Hose
and Tube Installation in the General Information section
of this chapter).
9. Connect machine wire harness electrical connector
to tractionneutral switch on pistonpump control assem-
10.Position traction control cable to piston (traction)
pump. Secure cable to pump lever and cable bracket
(see Piston (Traction) Pump Control Assembly in this
11.Secure pump driveshaft to piston( traction) pump in-
put shaft with two (2) cap screws (item 36) and flange
nuts (item 37).
12.Install hood saddle onto frame brackets. Lower and
secure hood and operator seat.
13.Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
oil if necessary.
14.Follow hydraulic system start- up procedures (see
Hydraulic System Start- up in this section).
15.Check traction drive for neutral and traction neutral
switch operation. Adjust if necessary.