Reelmaster 5010- H Page 5 - 41 Electrical System
Check Operation of Interlock Switches
The interlock switches are for the protection of
the operator and bystanders and to ensure cor-
rect operation of the machine. Do not bypass or
disconnect switches. Check the operation of the
interlockswitchesdaily forp roper operation.Re-
place any malfunctioning switches before oper-
ating the machine.
Interlock switch operation is described in the Traction
Unit Operator’s Manual. Your Reelmaster is equipped
with an Toro Electronic Controller (TEC) which monitors
interlockswitch operation.Information onthe TECis de-
scribedinthe TractionUnitOperator’sManualand inthe
Component Testing section of this Chapter.
The interlock system used on your Reelmaster includes
the seat switch, the traction neutral switch, the parking
brake switch,the cutting unitdown limitswitch, themow/
transport switch a nd the cutting reel engage/disengage
switch. Testing of individual interlock switches is in-
cluded in the Component Testing section of this Chap-
NOTE: Use the InfoCenter Display to test TEC con-
troller inputs and outputs before further troubleshooting
of an electrical problem on your Reelmaster. Inputs and
outputs can be tested using the InfoCenter Diagnostic
menu (see InfoCenter Display in this chapter).