Reelmaster 5010- HHydraulic System Page 4 - 54
Flush Hydraulic System
IMPORTANT: Flush the hydraulic system any time
there is a severe component failure or the system is
contaminated. Contaminated oil appears milky or
black or contains metal particles.
1. Park machine on alevelsurface. Lowercutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake and remove key
from ignition switch.
2. Drain hydraulic reservoir.
3. Clean area around the mounting area of th e hydrau-
lic filter. Remove and discard hydraulic filter.
4. Drain entire hydraulic system. Drain all hoses, tubes
and components while thesystem is warm. Flush hoses
and tubes to remove any contamination.
IMPORTANT: Followall local codesand regulations
when recycling or disposing hydraulic fluid and oil
IMPORTANT: If a failure occurred in the traction cir-
cuit, traction circuit component disassembly and
thorough cleaning may be required to remove con-
taminates from the traction circuit. Because the
traction circuit is a closed loop, any contamination
will remain in the circuit and can cause a dditional
component damage unless it is removed.
5. Makesurethe mountingsurface ofthe hydraulicfilter
is clean. Apply clean hydraulic oil togasket on new filter.
Screw filter onto filter head until gasket contacts mount-
ing plate, then tighten filter an additional 1/2 turn.
IMPORTANT: Use only hydraulic fluids specified in
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual. Other fluids could
cause system damage.
6. Fill hydraulic reservoir with new hydraulic oil to prop-
er level.
7. Disconnect wire harness connector from the fuel ac-
tuator to prevent the engine from starting.
8. Make sure traction pedal is in neutral and the PTO
switch is OFF. Turn ignition key switch to start; engage
starter for ten (10) seconds to prime hydraulic pumps.
Wait sixty (60) seconds to allow the starter motor and
starter solenoid to cool. Repeat this step again.
9. Connect wire harness connector to the fuel actuator
to allow engine to start.
10.Start engineand letit idleatlow speedfor aminimum
of two (2) minutes.
11.Increase engine speed to high idle for minimum of
one (1) minute under no load.
12.Rotate steering wheel in both directions several
times. Raise and lower cutting units several times.
13.Shut off engine and check for hydraulic oil leaks.
Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct oil
if necessary.
14.Operate the machine for two (2) hours under normal
operating conditions.
15.Check conditionof hydraulicoil. Ifthe fluidshowsany
signsof contamination,repeatsteps 1through 14again.
16.Resume normal operation and follow recommended
maintenance intervals.