Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 4Electrical System
Electrical System Operation
Reelmaster 5010- H machines use two (2) separate
electrical systems. Most machine f unctions operate on
a typical 12 VDC system. The second system exists to
operate the electriccutting reelsand isa 48VDC electri-
cal system. Basic information about the two systems is
included below.
12 VDC System Operation
Engine electrical components, machine operation
switches, hydraulic solenoid coils, t he machine Toro
electronic controller (TEC) and the InfoCenter display
are all included in the 12 VDC system on Reelmaster
5010- H machines. A 12 volt battery at the rear of the
machine and the engine alternator provide system elec-
trical power. Circuit protection for the 12VDC system in-
cludes two (2) fuse blocks, an inline TEC logic fuse and
several fusible links.
12 VDC system communication between t he TEC con-
troller,InfoCenter displayand themotor/generator isac-
complishedona CAN- bus communicationsystem. Two
(2)specially designed,twistedwiresform thebus forthis
network.Thebus wiresfor the12VDCcircuits areblack/
white and red/white.
Information about electrical components in the 12 VDC
system is included in the Component Testing and Ser-
vice and Repairs sections of this chapter.