Reelmaster 5010- HGroomer Page 8 - 12
2. If removed, install groomer plate (item 18) to groom-
er non- drive side of cutting unit:
A. Position non- drive side groomer plate to cutting
unit side plate.
B. Slide O- ring onto pivot hub and then apply anti-
seize lubricant onto pivot hub flange. Position pivot
hub to groomer plate and cutting unit.
C. Securepivot hubtocutting unitside platewith two
(2) socket head screws (item 11). Make sure that
groomer plate rotates freely after installation.
D. Apply antiseize lubricant to shoulder area of
shoulder bolt that secures quick- up ball joint rod to
non- driveside groomer platea nd applyLoctite #242
(or equivalent) to threads of shoulder bolt. Position
spacer between ball joint rod and groomer plate. In-
stall shoulder bolt and torque from 17 to 21 ft-lb (23
to 28 N- m).
3. Make sure that O- ring (item 7) is on groomer reel
shaft and is lightly greased. Also, apply a light coat of
grease to lip of seal in installed groomer plate.
4. Make sure that excluder seals (item 6) and lightly
greased O- ring (item 7) are positioned on groomer
shaft. The excluder seal lips should be toward the end
of the groomer shaft.Apply a film of grease onto exclud-
er seal lips.
5. Carefully slide the groomer reel into the non- drive
side groomer plate assembly taking car e to not damage
seals in groomer plate a ssembly.
6. Carefully install groomer plate (item 14) to groomer
drive side of cutting unit:
A. Apply a light coat of grease to lips of seals in
groomer plate.
B. Position groomer shim to cutting unit side plate.
Carefully position drive side groomer plate onto
groomer shaft and slide to cutting unit.
C. Slide O- ring onto pivot hub and then apply anti-
seize lubricant onto pivot hub flange. Position pivot
hub with attached idler plate assembly to cutting unit
side plate and secure with two (2) socket head
screws (item 11). Make sure that groomer shim has
not shifted andthat groomer plate rotates freely after
D. Connect extension spring (item 9) to stud on
groomer plate. Make sure that spring is in the stud
groove and that spring hook is positioned toward the
drive pulley location.
E. Apply antiseize lubricant to shoulder area of
shoulder bolt that secures quick- up ball joint rod to
drive side groomer plate and apply Loctite #242 (or
equivalent) to threads of shoulder bolt. Position
spacer between ball joint rod and groomer plate. In-
stall shoulder bolt and torque from 17 to 21 ft-lb (23
to 28 N - m).
F. Slide pulley spacer (item 2) and washer(s) (item
3) onto groomer shaft.
G. Install drive pulley, driven pulley and groomer
drive belt to cutting unit (see Groomer Assembly in
this section). Make sure that fasteners are correctly
torqued.Also, make sure that driveand drivenpulley
alignment is checked and adjusted if necessary. In-
stall groomer belt cover.
1. Drive pulley
2. Driven pulley
3. Straight edge
Figure 12
1. Groomer plate
2. Excluder seal
3. Groomer reel
Figure 13