Reelmaster 5010- H
Cutting Units
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General Information
Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual
The Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual provides informa-
tion regarding the operation, general maintenance and
maintenance intervals for the cutting units on your Reel-
master machine. Additionally, if optional kits have been
installed on the cutting units (e.g. groomer, rear roller
brush), the installation instructions for the kit includes
set- up and operation information. Refer to those publi-
cations for additional information when servicing the
cutting units.
48 VDC Battery Disconnect
Before installing, removing or servicing compo-
nents in the 48 VDC system (e.g. cutting unit mo-
tors, motor/generator), separate the 48 VDC bat-
tery disconnect. This will prevent unexpected
operation of 48 VDC system components.
The 48 VDC battery disconnect is attached to the right
frame rail under the operator seat (Fig. 2). Unplug the
disconnect to make sure that 48 VDC components do
not operate unexpectedly. Apply dielectric grease to the
contact surfaces of the battery disconnect and plug the
battery disconnect back in after service to the 48 VDC
system is completed.
1. RH frame rail 2. 48V battery disconnect
Figure 2