Reelmaster 5010- H
Cutting Units
Page 7 - 35
4. Disassemble roller brush components as necessary
using Figures44 asa guide.If drivebrushbearing hous-
ing (item 2) or driven pulley (item 12) need to be re-
moved, brush cover and drive belt removal will be
necessary (see Rear Roller Brush Drive System in this
Assembly (Fig. 44)
1. If seals or bearings were removed from brush bear-
ing housings, install new components noting proper ori-
entation as shown in Figure 46.
A. Pack bearings with high temp Mobil XHP- 222
grease (or equivalent) before installation.
B. Press bearing into bearing housing so that bear-
ing contacts shoulder in housing bore.
C. Install grease seals so that seal lips are posi-
tioned toward the brush location as shown in Fig. 46.
Press seals into housing so that seal contacts bore
2. If roller b rush was removed from roller shaft, slide
brush onto shaft while rotating brush. Secure brush to
shaft with two (2) J- bolts and lock nuts. M ake sure that
outside of the brush (Fig. 45). Torque lock nuts from 20
to 25 in- lb (2.3 to 2.8 N- m).
3. Assemble roller brush components using Figure 44
as a guide noting the following items:
A. Apply coating of grease to lips of grease seals in
brush bearing housing before inserting brush shaft
into housing.
B. If driven pulley (item 12) was removed from roller
brush shaft, apply antiseize lubricant to splines of
pulley bore and slide pulley onto shaft. Install and
tightenflange nutuntil pulleyisseatedonto shaftand
then torque flange nut from 27 to 33 ft- lb (37 to 44
N-m).Usea½ wrench on roller brush shaft flats to
prevent shaft from rotating when tightening nut.
C. Position excluder seals on brush shaft so that
seals just touch bearing housings.
D. Ifdrivenpulley (item12)was removed,check and
adjust alignment of drive and driven pulleys (see
Rear Roller Brush Drive System in this section).
4. Check that brush is parallel to rear roller with 0.060”
(1.5 mm) clearance to light contact with rear roller ( Fig.
47). If contact is incorrect, brush operation will be ad-
versely affected.
5. Lubricate grease fittings on brush housings until
grease purges past inboard seals. Wipe excess grease
from seals and fittings.
6. Once all rear roller brush service is completed, plug
the 48 VDC battery disconnect back in before operating
the machine.
1. Roller brush shaft
2. J-bolt
3. Roller brush
4. Lock nu t
Figure 45
20 to 25 in-lb
(2.3 to 2.8 N- m)
1. Bearing
2. Inner grease seal
3. Outer grease seal
4. Housing (non-driven)
5. Housing (driven)
Figure 46
1. Rear roller brush 2. Rear roller
Figure 47
0.060” (1.5 mm)
Clearance to
Light Contact