Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 64Electrical System
Fusible Link Harness
The Reelmaster 5010- H uses three (3) fusible links for
circuit protection. These fusible links are located in a
harness that connects the starter B+ terminal to the
main wire harness (Fig. 60). If any of these links should
fail, current to the protected circuit will cease. Refer to
wire harness drawings in Chapter 9 - Foldout Drawings
for additional fusible link information.
1. Park the machine on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, lower the cutting units and stop the en-
gine. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Disconnect negative battery cable from battery at
rear of machine. Then disconnect positive cable from
battery (see Battery Service in the Service and Repairs
section of this chapter).
3. Locate and unplug fusible link connector P1 from
platform wire harness.
4. Use a multimeter to make sure that continuity exists
between each terminal pin in connector P1 and connec-
tor J1 at the starter (Fig. 61). Ifanyof thefusible linksare
open, replace the fusible link harness.
5. After testing is complete, make sure that fusible link
harnessconnectors aresecurely attachedto starterand
machine wire harness.
6. Connect positive battery cable to battery terminal
first and then connect negative cable to battery.
1. Starter motor
2. Fusible l ink harness
3. Positive battery cable
Figure 60
Figure 61