Reelmaster 5010- H Page 5 - 5 Electrical System
48 VDC System Operation
The Reelmaster 5010- H 48 VDC system includes a 48
VDCbatterypack,an enginedrivenmotor/generatoras-
sembly, five (5) cutting reel motors, a main contactor
used to energize the system and additional circuit con-
trol components. Circuit protection for the 48 VDC sys-
tem includes five (5) fuses in a single fuse block, an
inline system logic fuse and a system Maxi- fuse.
The batterypack iscomposed of four(4) 12 VDC sealed
batteries connected in series to achieve the necessary
48 VDC system voltage. The batteries are absorbed
glass mat (AGM), valve regulated lead acid batteries
that are maintenance free.
IMPORTANT: When connecting the battery pack in
the 48 VDC system, make sure that battery polarity
is carefully checked. System damage can occur if
batteries are not connected correctly.
The motor/generatoris a 48 VDC,air cooled, brushless,
permanent magnet device. The m otor/generator has its
own integral invertor and on- board controller. The Info-
Center Display can be used to monitor motor/generator
activity during machine operation.
The five (5) cutting reel motors are identical 48 VDC,
brushless, permanent magnet motors. Each motor has
its ownintegral invertorand on- board controller. The In-
foCenter Display can be used to monitor the speed and
current draw for the five (5) cutting unit motors during
machine operation.
The main contactor exists in the 48 VDC system to con-
nect the 48 VDC battery pack with the motor/generator
andreel motorcontrollers. The motor/generatorcontrol-
ler determines when the main contactor is engaged.
Control for the components in the 48 VDC system is
handled by integral controllers in the motor/generator
and reel motors along with direction from the machine
TEC controller via the CAN- bus system. Since theTEC
controller (12 VDC component) sends and receives in-
formation with the motor/generator and reel motors (48
VDC components), the CAN- bus circuit needs to com-
municate with both systems. The isolation module is in-
cluded in the system to allow effective machine
communicationwhile keepingthetwo electricalsystems
isolated. Also, the location ID module exists to identify
thelocationof thefive(5) cuttingreelmotors.This allows
such machine features as starting the rear cutting units
slightly lat er than the front cutting units.
The 48 VDC system is an isolatedsystem so the vehicle
frame is notused for any ground connectionsin thissys-
tem. A48 V DCbattery disconnect isincluded onthe ma-
chine which should be used to disconnect 48 VDC
system components from the electrical power supply to
prevent unexpected component operation when per-
forming service.
Information about electrical components in the 48 VDC
system is included in the Component Testing and Ser-
vice and Repairs sections of this chapter.
The PowerMatch
system allows the Reelmaster
5010- Htocontrol 48VDCmotor/generator operationso
thatchangingloadconditions canbehandledby thema-
chine a utomatically.
In typical, lighter load conditions (e.g. mowing on flat
ground), engine output provides sufficient power to
drive themotor/generator and hydraulic pump package.
In this situation, the motor/generator keeps the 48 VDC
battery pack fully charged and the cutting reel motors
In moderate load conditions (e.g. mowing on intermedi-
ate slopes), the m otor/generator transfers some or all of
its load from the engine. In these conditions, the cutting
reelmotorscanbedrivenexclusively bythebatterypack
if needed. With the motor/generator load reduced or
possibly inactive, the engine maintains hydraulic trac-
tion performance while the battery pack assists in keep-
ing the reels running at the proper set speed.
If load conditions demand maximum performance ( e.g.
mowing on severe inclines), the battery pack can be
used to power both the cutting unit motors and the mo-
tor/generator. The batterypowered motor/generatoras-
siststhe enginein maintainingtraction performanceand
the battery pack keeps the reels running at the proper
set speed.