
Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 34Electrical System
Fault Code
Fault Description Service Suggestions
117 Insufficient voltage occurred at internal motor/
generator regulator and disabled motor/
Check electrical connections to
If fault occurs for multiple cutting unit motors
and motor/generator, check 48 VDC logic relay
and circuit wiring
Check 48 VDC battery system cables for
proper connections
Consider that motor/generator is faulty
123 Excessive motor/generator speed Engine speed is incorrect which causes the
motor/generator to overspeed
124 Hall effect sensors in #1 cutting unit motor are
providing different feedback
#1 cutting unit motor is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
125 Hall effect sensors in #2 cutting unit motor are
providing different feedback
#2 cutting unit motor is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
126 Hall effect sensors in #3 cutting unit motor are
providing different feedback
#3 cutting unit motor is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
127 Hall effect sensors in #4 cutting unit motor are
providing different feedback
#4 cutting unit motor is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
128 Hall effect sensors in #5 cutting unit motor are
providing different feedback
#5 cutting unit motor is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
129 Hall effect sensors in motor/generator are pro-
viding different feedback
Motor/generator is likely faulty if this fault
continues to occur
NOTE: If engine speed is erratic when this
fault is displayed, the motor/generator will