Reelmaster 5010- H Page 5 - 39 Electrical System
Cutting Unit Operating Problems (Continued)
Problem Possible Causes
backlap direction.
The parking brake is not applied.
Reel engage/disengage switch is in the OFF position.
High engine coolant temperature has disabled cutting
unit operation.
The joystick is not in the center position.
Cutting u nit down limit switch or circuit wiring is faulty.
None of the cutting units will lower.
NOTE: Ifmachine controlsare notin the correct position
to lower the cutting units, an advisory message may be
displayed on the InfoCenter Display.
Mow stop lever is in the TRANSPORT position.
Lower/mow switch on joystick or circuit wiring is faulty.
Mow/transport switch or circuit wiring is faulty.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SVRV or circuit wiring
is faulty.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SV2 or circuit wiring is
A hydraulic problem exists (see Troubleshooting
section of Chapter 4 - Hydraulic System).
None of the cutting units will raise. Cutting circuit is in the backlap position.
Raise switch on joystick or circuit wiring is faulty.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SVRV or circuit wiring
is faulty.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SV2 or circuit wiring is
A hydraulic problem exists (see Troubleshooting
section of Chapter 4 - Hydraulic System).
Front cutting units will not raise or lower, but the rear
cutting units will raise and lower.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SV1 or circuit wiring is
A hydraulic problem exists (see Troubleshooting
section of Chapter 4 - Hydraulic System).
The rear cutting units will not raise or lower, but the
front cutting units will raise and lower.
Hydraulic lift manifold solenoid SV3 or circuit wiring is
A hydraulic problem exists (see Troubleshooting
section of Chapter 4 - Hydraulic System).
One cutting unit (either front or rear) will not raise or
lower, but all other cutting units will raise and lower.
Binding of lift cylinder or lift components for affected
cutting unit exists.
A hydraulic problem exists (see Troubleshooting
section of Chapter 4 - Hydraulic System).