Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 18Electrical System
Remove all jewelry, especially rings and
watches, before doing any electrical trouble-
shooting or testing. Disconnect the battery
cables unless the test requires battery voltage.
For effective troubleshooting and repairs, there must be
a good understanding of the electrical circuits and com-
ponents used on this machine (see Chapter 9 - Foldout
If the machine has any interlock switches by- passed,
they must be reconnected for proper troubleshooting
and safety.
NOTE: Use the InfoCenter Display to test TEC con-
troller inputs and outputs when troubleshooting an elec-
trical problem on your Reelmaster (see InfoCenter
Display in this chapter).
Operator Advisories
If controls are not selected properly to allow certain ma-
chine operations, the InfoCenter indicator light will illu-
minate and an advisory will be displayed on the
InfoCenter Display. Typically, an advisorycan be elimin-
ated with a change in controls by the operator.
Advisory numbers, descriptions and reason for advi-
sories are listed in the table o n the next page. Some ad-
visories can be caused by several machine settings.
NOTE: Icons that are used on the InfoCenter display
are identified in the Traction Unit Operator’s Manual.
1. Indicator light
2. Advisory number
3. Advisory description
4. Reason for advisory
Figure 25
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