Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 10Electrical System
InfoCenter Display
The InfoCenter Display used on your Reelmaster is a
LCDdevicethat islocatedon theconsole.TheI nfoCent-
er provides information for the machine operator during
machine operation, provides electrical system diagnos-
tic assistance for technicians and allows inputs for ad-
justable machine settings.
Power for theInfoCenter is available when energized by
the main power relay (ignition switch in the ON/PRE-
HEAT or START position). CAN- bus systems involving
the machine TEC controller, the InfoCenter, the motor/
generator and the cutting unit motors are used to pro-
vide necessary machine communication for InfoCenter
NOTE: Icons that are used on the InfoCenter display
are identified in the Traction Unit Operator’s Manual.
Splash Screen
The InfoCenter splash screen (Fig. 12) is displayed
when the ignition switch is initially turned to the ON/
PREHEATo r STARTposition.The splashscreensallow
basicmachine information to bereviewedby theoperat-
or. After the splash screens has been on the InfoCenter
for several seconds, the main information screen will be
displayed on the InfoCenter.
The splash screen can be used to identify machine 12
VDC battery voltage, hourmeter r eading, fuel tank level
and whether the glow plugs are energized.
1. 12 VDC battery voltage
2. Hour meter
3. Fuel gauge
4. Glow plugs energized
5. Right button
6. Middle button
7. Menu/back button
Figure 12