Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 66Electrical System
48 VDC System Protection Diode
The Reelmaster 5010- H 48 VDC system includes a
diode t hat is used for circuit protection from voltage
spikes when the main contactor is de- energized. The
diode plugs into the main wire harness near the 48 VDC
battery disconnect and main contactor under the opera-
tor seat (Fig. 64).
Protection Diode Testing
1. Park the machine on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, lower the cutting units and stop the en-
gine. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Raise operator seat.
3. Separate system components from the 48 VDC bat-
tery pack by unplugging the 48 VDC battery disconnect.
(see48VDC BatteryDisconnectinthe GeneralInforma-
tion section of this chapter). This will prevent unex-
pected 48 VDC system component operation.
4. Locate protectiondiode near 48 VDC battery discon-
nect andunplug thediodefrom thewire harnessfor test-
5. The protection diode (Fig. 65) can be tested u sing a
digital multimeter (diode test or ohms setting) and the
table to the right. Replace the protection diode if testing
determines that it is faulty.
NOTE: Protection diode terminals 2, 3, 4 and 5 are not
used on Reelmaster 5010- H machines.
6. After testing is complete, make sure that protection
diode is fully installed into wire harness connector.
7. Plug the 48 VDC ba ttery disconnect back into the
socket. Lower and secure operator seat.
1. Protection diode
2. 48V battery disconnect
3. Main contactor
Figure 64
Figure 65
Red Lead (+)
on Terminal
Black Lead (- )
on Terminal
6 1 YES
1 6 NO