Reelmaster 5010- H Page 1 - 5 Safety
Jacking Instructions
When changing t ires, attachments or perform-
ing other service, use correct hoists, jacks and
jack stands. Make sure machine is parked on a
solid, level surface such as a concrete floor.
Prior to raising machine, remove any attach-
mentsthatmayinterferewith thesafeandprop-
er raising of the machine. Always chock or
block wheels. Use jack stands or other ap-
propriate load holding devices to support the
raised machine. If the machine is not properly
supported, the machine may move or fall,
which may result in personal injury.
Front End Jacking (Fig. 1)
1. Apply parking brake and chock both rear tires to pre-
vent the machine from moving.
2. Position jack securely below the rectangular pad un-
der the frame axle tube, just to the inside of the front
3. Jack front of machine o f f the ground.
4. Position jack stands under the frame as close to the
raised wheel as possible to support the machine.
Rear End Jacking
1. Apply parking brakeand chock both front tires topre-
vent the machine from moving.
2. Place jack securely at the center of the rear axle un-
der the axle pivot bracket. Jack rear of machine o f f the
3. To s upport the raised m achine, position jack stands
under the frame rail nex t to the ax le support bracket.
Figure 1
1. Front wheel 2. Front jacking point