Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 42Electrical System
Traction Neutral Switch
The traction neutral switch is a normally open proximity
switch that closes when the traction pedal is in the neu-
tral position. The switch mounts toa bracket on the trac-
tion pump. The sensing element for the traction neutral
switch is the traction pump lever that is secured to the
pump control arm (Fig. 2 7).
1. Before adjusting the traction neutral switch, check
and adjust traction system neutral position (refer to
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual).
IMPORTANT: To prevent traction neutral switch
damage, make sure that no components contact
switch through entire traction pu mp control arm
2. When the traction lever is in the neutral position, the
clearance between the head of traction neutral switch
and the traction lever bracket should be from 0.094” to
0.100” (2.4 to 2.5 mm).
3. If clearance is incorrect, loosen jam nuts that secure
neutral switch to pump bracket. Position switch with jam
nuts toallow correct clearance betweenswitch and trac-
tion lever bracket. Jam nuts shouldb e torqued from 162
to198in-lb(18.4to22.4N-m). Afterjam nutsaretight-
ened, make sure that clearance has not changed.
4. After adjustment to the traction neutral switch, use
the InfoCenter Display to verify that traction neutral
switch and circuit wiring are functioning correctly (see
Diagnostics Screen (Engine Run item) in the InfoCenter
Display section of this chapter).
1. Traction pump
2. Traction pump lever
3. Traction neutral switch
Figure 27
0.094” to 0.100”
(2.4 to 2.5 mm)