Reelmaster 5010- H Page 5 - 67 Electrical System
Location ID Module
The location ID module exists in the 48 VDC electrical
circuit to identify the location of the five (5) cutting reel
motors. This module allows such machine features as
starting and stopping the rear cutting units slightly later
than the front cutting units. The location module plugs
into the main wire harness near the 48 VDC fuse block
(Fig. 66).
NOTE: If electrical problems exist with the location ID
module, a fault may have occurred that would be indi-
cated by a fault code on the InfoCenter Display. Before
considering that location ID module service work isnec-
essary, check for any existing fault codes that indicate
problems with the module.
1. Park machine on level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, apply parking brake and remove key from
ignition switch.
2. Raise and support operator seat and hood.
3. Separate system components from the 48 VDC bat-
tery pack by unplugging the 48 VDC battery disconnect
(see48 VDCBatteryDisconnectin theGeneralInforma-
tion section of this chapter). This will prevent unex-
pected cutting unit operation.
4. Locate location IDmodule secured to the framenear
the 48 VDC fuse block (Fig. 66).
5. Carefully unplug main wire harness connector from
location ID module connector.
6. Using a multimeter, measure resistances between
module connector terminals as follows (Fig. 67):
Connector Terminals
AandF 15 K ohms
BandF 10 K ohms
CandF 6.2 K ohms
DandF 3.9 K ohms
EandF 1.6 K ohms
7. Replace ID module if testing determines that it is
NOTE: Do not attempt to remove cover of location ID
module. There are no replaceable parts under cover.
8. After testing is completed, secure main wire harness
connector to location ID module connector.
9. Plug the 48 VDC battery disconnect back into the
10.Lower and secure operator seat and hood.
1. Location ID module 2. 48 VDC fuse block
Figure 66
Figure 67
1. Location ID module 2. ID module connector