
Reelmaster 5010- H Page 5 - 35 Electrical System
Starting Problems
Problem Possible Causes
All electrical power is dead, including InfoCenter
12 VDC battery is discharged.
Ignition switch or circuit wiring is faulty.
Fusible link harness at the engine starter motor is
12 VDC battery cables are loose or corroded.
Main fuse (15 amp) to the ignition switch is faulty.
Starter solenoid clicks, but starter will not crank.
NOTE: If the starter solenoid clicks, the problem is not
in the interlock circuit.
12 VDC battery is discharged.
12 VDC battery cables are loose or corroded.
Ground cable is loose or corroded.
Wiring at the starter motor is faulty.
Starter solenoid or starter motor is faulty.
Engine starts, but stops when the ignition switch is
released from the START position.
Engine fuel actuator or circuit wiring is faulty.
Engine or fuel system is malfunctioning (see Chapter 3
- Kubota Diesel Engine).
Engine cranks, but does not start.
NOTE: After 30 seconds of engine cranking, the TEC
controller output tothe engine startermotor will de- ener-
gize even if the ignition switch is kept in the START posi-
tion. This is designed to prevent overheating of the
starter motor.
Engine and/or fuel may be too cold.
Fuel tank is empty.
Glow plugs, glow plug relay or circuit wiring is faulty.
Engine fuel actuator or circuit wiring is faulty.
Engine fuel filter is clogged.
Engine or fuel system is malfunctioning (see Chapter 3
- Kubota Diesel Engine).
Engine cranks, but s hould not, w hen the traction pedal
is depressed.
Traction neutral switch is out of adjustment.
Traction neutral switch or circuit wiring is faulty.