Reelmaster 5010- H Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 25
The cause of an improperly functioning hydraulic sys-
tem is best diagnosed with the use of proper testing
equipment and a thorough understanding of the com-
plete hydraulic system.
A hydraulic system with an excessive increase in h eat
or noise has apotential forfailure.Should either ofthese
conditions be noticed, immediately stop the machine,
turn off the engine, locate the cause of the trouble and
correct it before allowing the machine to be used again.
Continued use of an improperly functioning hydraulic
system could lead to extensive hydraulic component
The charts that follow contain information to assist in
troubleshooting. There may possibly be more than one
cause for a machine malfunction.
Refer to the Testing section of this chapter for precau-
tions and specific hydraulic test procedures.
General Hydraulic System Problems
Problem Possible Cause
Hydraulic oil leaks from machine Fitting(s), hose(s) or tube(s) is (are) loose or damaged.
O- ring(s) or seal(s) is (are) missing or damaged.
Foaming hydraulic fluid Oil level in hydraulic reservoir is low.
Hydraulic system has wrong kind of oil.
Pump suction line has an air leak.
Hydraulic system operates hot Traction system pressure is high due to excessive load or brake
dragging or binding.
Oil level in hydraulic reservoir is low.
Hydraulic oil is contaminated or too light.
Engine speed is too low.
Engine fan is not operating properly.
Oil cooler is damaged or plugged. Air flow through oil cooler is ob-
Hydraulic oil filter is plugged.
Charge pressure is low.
Piston (traction) pump bypass valve is open or faulty.
Piston (traction) pump check valve is not seating or is damaged.
Wheel motor(s) and/or piston (traction) pump are worn or damaged
(NOTE: If a traction circuit component has internal wear or dam-
age, it is possible that other traction components are a lso dam-