Reelmaster 5010- H Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 79
6. Remove wheel hub from rear wheel motor:
IMPORTANT: DONOT hit wheel hub,puller or wheel
motor with a hammer during wheel hub removal or
installation. Hammering may cause damage to the
wheel motor.
A. Make sure that lock nut (item 4) on wheel motor
shaft is loose. Use hub puller (see Special Tools in
this chapter) to loosen wheel hub from wheel motor
B. Remove lock nut and wheel hub f rom wheel mo-
tor shaft. Locate and retrieve woodruff key (item 5).
Before opening hydraulic system, operate all hy-
draulic controls to relieve system pressure and
avoid injury from pressurized hydraulic oil. See
Relieving HydraulicSystem Pressurein the Gen-
eral Information section of this chapter.
7. Thoroughly cleanhydraulic hoseends andfittings on
wheelmotor toprevent hydraulicsystem contamination.
8. Label hydraulic connections at wheel motor for as-
sembly purposes.
9. Disconnect hydraulic hoses from fittings on wheel
motor. Allow hoses to drain into a suitable container.
10.Put capsor plugs ondisconnected hosesand fittings
to prevent contamination.
NOTE: Right and left rear wheel motors are the same
basic design with some minor differences. The left side
wheel motor is identified with a yellow dot on the motor
housing near the B port. If both motors are removed
from the machine, label motors for assembly purposes.
11.Support wheel motor to prevent it from falling. Re-
move four (4) cap screws and lock washers that secure
motor to housing.
12.Remove rear wheel m otor from machine.
13.If hydraulicfittingsare toberemoved from wheelmo-
tor, mark fitting orientation to allow correct assembly.
Remove fittings from motor and discard O- rings.
Installation (Fig. 67)
1. If fittings were removed from wheel motor, lubricate
and place new O- rings to fittings. Install fittings into mo-
tor ports using marks made during the removal process
to properlyorientate fittings(see HydraulicFitting Instal-
lationin theGeneral Information section ofthischapter).
2. Position rear wheel motor to housing. Secure wheel
motorto housingwithfour(4)cap screwsandlockwash-
ers. Torque cap screws from 70 to 80 ft- lb (95 to 108
3. Remove caps and plugs from disconnected hydrau-
lic hoses and fittings.
4. Lubricate and position new O- rings to fittings on
wheel motor. Use labels placed during the removal pro-
cess to properly install and secure hydraulic hoses to
wheel motor fittings (see Hydraulic Hose and Tube In-
stallationinthe GeneralInformations ectionof thischap-
IMPORTANT: Before wheel hub is installed, thor-
oughly clean tapers of wheel hub and wheel motor
shaft. Make sure that tapers are free of grease, oil
and dirt. DO NOT use antiseize lubricant when
installing wheel hub.
5. Install woodruff key (item 5) and then wheel hub
(item 3) to wheel motor shaft. Secure wheel hub to the
wheel motor shaft with lock nut (item 4).
6. Install rear wheel tomachine (seeWheels inthe Ser-
vice and Repairs section of Chapter 6 - Chassis).
7. Make sure that wheel hub lock nut (item 5) is tight-
enedfrom 270to330ft-lb(367to447N-m)and wheel
lug nuts are tightened from 70 to 90 ft-lb (95 to 122
8. Check and adjust oil level in hydraulic reservoir.
IMPORTANT: If a rear wheel motor failure occurred,
refer to Traction Circuit Component Failure in the
General Information section for information regard-
ing the importance ofremoving contaminationfrom
the traction circuit.
9. Operate machine functions slowly until air is out of
system (see Charge Hydraulic System in this section).