Reelmaster 5010- H Page 6 - 13 Chassis
Disassembly (Fig. 10)
1. Chock frontwheels toprevent machinefrom shifting.
2. Remove rear wheel (see Wheels in this section).
Make sure to support machine with jack stands.
3. Remove the dust cap from the wheel hub.
4. Remove the cotter pin, retainer, jam nut and spindle
washer. Slide the wheel hub from the spindle shaft.
5. Pull the seal out of the wheel hub. Discard seal.
6. Remove the bearing cones from both sides of the
wheel hub. Clean thebearings insolvent. Makesure the
bearings are in good operating condition. Clean the in-
side of the wheel hub. Check the bearing cups for wear,
pitting or other damage. Replace worn or damaged
Assembly (Fig. 10)
1. If bearing cups were removed from the wheel hub,
press new cups into the hub until they seat against the
shoulder of the hub.
IMPORTANT: The lip of the seal must be toward the
bearing. The seal should be pressed in so it is flush
with the end of the wheel hub.
2. Pack both bearings with grease. Install one bearing
into the bearing cup on inboard side of the wheel hub.
Lubricate the inside of a new seal and press it into the
wheel hub with the seal lip toward the bearing.
3. Fill wheelhubcavity betweenbearingsapproximate-
ly50% fullof grease.Position remainingbearing intothe
outer bearing cup.
4. Slide the wheel hub assembly onto the spindle shaft
and secure it in place with the spindle washer and jam
nut. DO NOT fully tighten the nut or install the cotter pin.
5. While rotating thewheel hub byhand, torquethe jam
ings. Then, loosen the nut until the hub has endplay.
6. While rotating thewheel hub byhand, torquethe jam
nut from15to20 in-lb(1.7to 2.3N- m).Aftertightening,
make sure that the wheel hub does not have any free
7. Install retainer with slot aligned to cotter pin hole in
spindle. Install cotter pin.
8. Fill dust cap approximately 50% full ofgrease. Install
dust cap.
9. Install rear wheel (see Wheels in this section).
10.Lower machine to ground.
11.Torque lug nuts evenly in a crossing pattern from 70
to 90 ft- lb (95 to 122 N-m).