Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 52Electrical System
Seat Switch
The seat switch is n ormally open and closes when the
operator seat is occupied. If the traction system or reel
engage/disengage switch is engaged when the opera-
tor raises out of the seat, the engine will stop. The seat
switch is located directly under the operator seat. The
Toro Electronic Controller (TEC) monitors the operation
of the seat switch.
NOTE: Before disconnecting the seat switch for test-
a TEC input with the InfoCenter Display (see Diagnos-
tics Screen(PTO item)in the InfoCenter Displaysection
of thischapter). Ifthe InfoCenterDisplayverifies thatthe
seat switch and circuit wiring are functioning correctly,
no further switch testing is necessary. If the InfoCenter
Display determines that the seat switch and circuit wir-
ing are not functioning c orrectly, proceed with seat
switch testing using the following steps.
1. Park the machine on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, lower the cutting units and stop the en-
gine. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Disconnect wire harness connector from the seat
switch electrical lead near the manual tube under the
operator seat (Fig. 43).
3. Check the continuity of the switch by connecting a
multimeter (ohms setting) across the switch connector
4. With no pressure on the seat, there should be no
continuity between the seat switch terminals.
5. Press directly onto the seat switch through the seat
cushion. There should be continuity between the seat
switch terminals as the seat cushion approaches the
bottom of its travel.
6. If testing determines that seat switch is faulty, re-
place switch (see Operator Seat in the Service and Re-
pairs section of Chapter 6 - Chassis).
7. If the seatswitch testscorrectly and acircuit problem
still exists, check circuit wire harness (see Electrical
Schematic and Wire Harness Drawings in Chapter 9 -
Foldout Drawings).
8. When seat switch testing is complete, connect wire
harness connector to the seat switch electrical lead.
1. Seat switch lead 2. Electrical connector
Figure 43