Reelmaster 5010- H
Cutting Units
Page 7 - 13
Leveling Rear Roller
The precision machined components of the cutting unit
frame keep the rear roller and cutting reel in alignment
(parallel). If the side plates are disassembled or as the
cutting reel wears, a limited amount of side plate adjust-
ment is possible to make sure that the cutting unit is
properly aligned.
1. Place the assembled cutting unit on a surface plate.
2. Make sure that bedknife is properly adjusted to cut-
ting reel.
3. Using the surface plate, check if rear roller is level to
cutting reel by using a 0.005” (0.13 mm) shim at each
end of rear roller. If the shim will pass under the roller at
one end but not the other,a frame adjustmentshould be
NOTE: Cutting units with 5” diameter reel use two (2)
shoulder bolts to s ecure side plates to frame. Cutting
units with 7” diameter reel use three (3) shoulder bolts
to secure side plates to frame.
4. Loosen, but do not remove, shoulder bolts that se-
not level (Fig. 15).
5. Adjust the position of the side plate to parallel the
rear roller and cutting reel. Then, tighten the shoulder
bolts to a torque from 27 to 33 ft-lb (37 to 44 N-m).
6. After tighteningthe sideplate,recheckthe rearroller.
If necessary, loosen and adjust second side plate.
7. If rear roller is still not level after adjusting both side
plates, check to see if cutting reel is tapered (see Pre-
paring Reelfor Grinding in the Service and Repairssec-
tion ofthischapter). If cutting reelis nottapered andrear
roller isnot level, a0.010” shim (part number 107- 4001)
is available to allow additional rear roller adjustment.
The shim would be used on one side of the rear roller
and should be installed between the rear roller bracket
and roller shim (Fig. 16).
8. After leveling rear roller, complete cuttingunit set- up
and adjustment sequence.
1. Bedbar
2. Bedbar adjuster
3. Shoulder bolt
Figure 15
Cutting Unit with 7” Reel Shown
1. Rear roller assembly
2. Rear roller bracket
3. Carriage screw
4. Flange nut
5. Washer
6. Roller shim
7. 0.010” shim (if needed)
Figure 16