Reelmaster 5010- H Page 3 - 5 Kubota Diesel Engine
Removal (Fig. 2)
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake and remove key
from the ignition s witch. Raise and support hood.
2. Remove air c leaner components as needed using
Figure 2 as a guide.
3. See Traction Unit Operator’s M anual for air cleaner
service and maintenance procedures.
Installation (Fig. 2)
IMPORTANT: Any leaks in the air filter system will
allow dirtinto engineand will cause serious engine
damage. Make sure that all air cleaner components
areingood conditionand areproperlysecured dur-
ing assembly.
1. Assemble air cleaner system using Figure 2 as a
A. If service indicator (item 6 in Fig. 2) and adapter
(item 7 in Fig. 2) were removed from air cleaner
housing, apply thread sealant to adapter threads be-
fore installing adapter and indicator to housing.
Install adapter so that grooves in adapter hex and
adapter filter element are installed toward service in-
dicator (shown in Fig. 3 ). Torque indicator from 12 to
15 in- lb (1.4 to 1 .6 N- m).
B. Make sure that evacuator valve onair cleaner as-
sembly is pointed down after assembly.
C. Torque hose c lamps from 30 to 40 in- lb (3.4 to
4.5 N- m).
2. After air cleaner has been properly installed, lower
and secure hood.
Figure 3
1. Air cleaner assembly
2. Service indicator
3. Indicator adapter
4. Evacuator val ve
12 to 15 in-lb
(1.4 to 1.6 N-m)
Kubota Diesel