Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 16Electrical System
Settings Screen
The s ettings screen identifies the InfoCenter units (En-
glish or Metric) and language. The settings screen also
allows the operator to customize the backlight (bright-
ness) and contrast settings for the InfoCenter display.
If either the backlight (brightness) or contrast items are
selected, the middle button (- ) or right button (+) can be
used to change the display settings.
The settings screen includes the current setting for
backlapping speed (B’lap RPM) for the front (F) and
rear (R) cutting units. Backlapping speed can be adjust-
ed by selecting either the front or rear cutting units and
using the right button on the InfoCenter to modify the
Protected menus allows the machine PIN to be en-
tered so that hidden machine settings screen items can
be viewed and modified. Protected menu items include
protect settings, auto idle, blade count, mow speed,
height of cut (HOC), front reel RPM, rear reel RPM and
economy mode.
To allow access to the protected menu items when pro-
tected settings is ON (see Protected settings below),
enter the four (4) digit pin PIN using the middle and right
InfoCenterbuttons. AfterPINhas beenentered, acheck
mark should be visible above middle InfoCenter button.
Press middle button and the InfoCenter display screen
shouldindicate “PIN”inthe upperright handc orner ifthe
correct PIN number was entered. The protected menu
items should be available in the settings menu and can
be changed as long as the ignition switch remains in
RUN and “PIN” is displayed on the InfoCenter.
NOTE: The initial PIN will either be 1234 or 0000. I f the
PIN has been changed and is forgotten, a temporary
PIN can be obtained from your To ro distributor.
To changethe machinePIN, accessthe protectedmenu
items by entering the current PIN. The InfoCenter dis-
playscreen shouldindicate “PIN” in theupper righthand
corner after the current PIN number is entered. Select
the protected menu item again and note that “Edit PIN”
is indicated on InfoCenter display screen. A new PIN
can be entered and then saved.
Protected settings allows the settings for auto idle,
blade count, m ow speed, height of cut (HOC), front reel
RPM, rear reel RPM and economy mode to be hidden
so they cannot be changed unless the PIN is entered. If
theprotect settingsis ON,these settingswill not beseen
when using the InfoCenter until the protected menus is
selected and the machine PIN is entered. If protect set-
tings is OFF (default setting), settings for these func-
tions will be visible on the InfoCenter and can be
adjusted by the operator at any time.
1. Settings menu
2. Settings items
3. Move to menu items
4. Change menu item
5. Back but ton
Figure 22
Figure 23
1. Settings menu
2. Settings items
3. Current settings
4. Increase setting
5. Decrease setting
6. Back but ton
7. PIN activated
Auto Idle:
Blade Count:
Mow Speed:
6.0 mph
Auto Idle causes the engine speed t o decrease to low
idleafterthe machinehas notbeeninuse forthe settime
delay in seconds. Auto idle can be adjusted to 8, 10, 15,
20 or 30 seconds or the auto idle feature can be turned
OFF. Engine speed automatically returns to the previ-
ously set speed when either t he traction pedal is moved
from neutral or the joystick is moved to either raise or
Blade Count identifies the numbero f blades on the cut-
ting units installed on the machine. This information is
used by machine controllers to determine cutting unit
reel speed.
Mow Speed identifiesthetractionspeedtobeused
when in LOW (mow) speed. This information is used by
machine controllersto determine cuttingunit reelspeed.