Reelmaster 5010- HHydraulic System Page 4 - 56
Hydraulic System Start- up
NOTE: When initially starting the hydraulic system with
new or rebuilt components such as pumps, wheel mo-
tors or lift cylinders, it is important that this start- up pro-
cedure be used. This procedure reduces the chance of
damaging the system or its components from not purg-
ing the system of air.
1. After the hydraulic system components have been
properly installed and if the piston (traction) pump was
rebuilt or replaced, make sure piston (traction) pump
housing is at least half full of clean hydraulic oil.
2. Make sureall hydraulicconnectionsandlinesare se-
cured tightly.
3. Drain, flush and refill hydraulic system and change
hydraulicoilfilter ifcomponentfailurewas severeor sys-
tem is contaminated(see FlushHydraulicSystem inthis
4. Make sure hydraulic reservoir is full. Add correct oil
if necessary.
5. Check control linkage for proper adjustment, binding
or broken parts.
6. Disconnect electrical connector to the engine fuel
actuator to prevent the engine from starting.
7. Make sure traction pedal is in neutral and the PTO
switch is OFF. Turn ignition key switch to start; engage
starter for ten (10) seconds to prime hydraulic pumps.
Wait sixty (60) seconds to allow the starter motor and
starter solenoid to cool. Repeat this step again.
8. Connect fuel actuator to allow engine to start.
9. Make sure traction pedal is in neutral and the PTO
switch is OFF. Start engine and run it at low idle. The
charge pump should pickup oil andfill the hydraulicsys-
tem. If there is no indication of fill in thirty (30) seconds,
stop the engine and determine the cause.
10.If the piston (traction) pump was replaced or rebuilt,
runt he tractionunit sothe wheelsturn slowlyfor ten(10)
11.Operate the traction unit (including steering and cut-
ting unit lift/lower) by gradually increasing the work load
to full over a ten (10) minute period.
12.Stop the machine. Check oil level in hydraulic reser-
voir and add correct oil if necessary. Check hydraulic
components for leaks and tighten any loose connec-