§ Create, edit, find, or send contacts.
§ Tap a contact photo to find ways to quickly connect with the
§ See when a contact has sent you new messages.
To sort your contacts by their first or last name, tap > Settings >
Sort contacts by.
Filtering your contacts list
When your contacts list gets long, you can choose which contact accounts
to show.
1. On the People tab, tap .
2. Choose the accounts that contain the contacts you want to display.
3. Press .
Finding people
Search for contacts stored on HTC Desire 612, your company directory if
you have an Exchange ActiveSync account, or social networks you've
signed into.
1. Open the People app.
2. On the People tab, you can:
§ Find people in your contacts list. Tap , and then enter the
first few letters of the contact name in the Search people box.
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