If you don’t have the data connection turned on and you’re also
not connected to a Wi-Fi network, you won’t receive automatic
updates to your email, social network accounts, and other synced
Turning data roaming on or off
Connect to Verizon Wireless partner networks and access data services
when you’re out of Verizon Wireless coverage area.
Using data services while roaming is not part of your subscribed
monthly data access allowance. Check with Verizon Wireless for
data roaming rates before you enable data roaming.
1. Go to Settings.
2. Tap Mobile data > Data roaming, and then select a data roaming
Select the Data roaming sound option if you’d like HTC Desire 612 to play a
sound so you’ll know when it’s connecting to a roaming network.
Managing your data usage
If you're on a limited data allowance, it's important to keep track of the
activities and apps that usually send and receive data, such as browsing
the web, syncing online accounts, and sending email or sharing status
Here are some other examples:
232 Internet connections