To store and organise your images, video clips,
sound clips, and streaming links, or share your files
with other compatible Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP) devices through wireless LAN (WLAN), press
, and select Gallery.
Tip: If you are in another application, to
view the last saved picture in Gallery,
press on the side of your device. To
enter the Images & videos folder main
view, press the review key again.
View and organise files
, and select Gallery.
In Gallery, select Images & videos , Tracks ,
Sound clips , Streaming links ,
, or All files , and press the scroll
key to open it.
You can browse and open
folders; and mark, copy,
and move items to folders.
You can also create albums
and mark, copy, and add
items to albums.
"Albums," p. 76.
To open a file, press the
scroll key. Video clips, .ram
files, and streaming links
open and play in
RealPlayer, and music and
sound clips in Music player.
"RealPlayer ," p. 57. See "Music player," p. 46.
Images and video clips
View images and videos
To view your images and video clips, press
, and
select Gallery > Images & videos.
Pictures taken and video clips recorded with the
camera of your device are stored in Images &
videos. Images and video clips can also be sent to