Nokia 7710 Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Go to Desk > Presentations.
You can open and view presentations created with
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 or later. Note that not all
features and formatting of the original documents will be
supported. You can send and receive these presentations
via e-mail or Bluetooth technology.
The list view shows a list of all presentations in the
selected folder. The name of the folder is shown in the
title area. In this view you can manage presentations
without opening the actual files. For example, using the
menu bar commands you can move or copy presentations.
Tip: For more information on available commands, see
“Common actions in applications” on page 21.
To open a presentation, double-tap the presentation
in the list. If the file is located in another folder, press
and select Presentation > Change folder.... Select
the folder where the presentation is saved. Note that
you can have only one presentation open at a time.
To move between slides, use the Next and Previous
buttons. To move directly to a specific slide, press
and select Presentation > Go to slide. Select the slide
from the list and tap OK.
To view slides in full screen mode, press and
select Display > Full screen. To return to the standard
view, press and select Display, then clear the Full
screen option.
To view additional notes in a presentation, press
and select View > Notes. To return to the standard slide
view, press and select View > Slide.
To get an overview of the whole presentation, press
and select View > Outline. To open a selected slide
in the standard slide view, tap Slide view or double-tap
the title of the slide.
To copy text from the current slide, press and
select Edit > Copy text. The text is copied to the
clipboard. In the Notes view the content of the notes is
copied, too. To copy all text in a presentation, press
and select View > Outline. Then press again
and select Edit > Copy all text. All the text on the slides
and notes is copied to the clipboard. To copy all the text
on the slides, select Copy all slide text, and to copy all the
text in the notes, select Copy all note text. Note that
some of the formatting may be lost.