
General Send/
Receive System
This function uses the status registers to synchronize the GPIB commands and
return data if a query command was used. The system waits until the command
string has been completed and then checks to see if any data is on the GPIB out
put buffer. If so, the data is returned in the Result$ argument and any error code
generated in receiving the data is returned in the Result_Code% argument.
For example: Use 4882SendReceive(0, 13, “O 1”, Result$, Result_Code%) to re
turn a reading from the ML2430A Series.
Note that this function is written in “pseudo code” and cannot be executed as is.
Function 4882SendReceive (Board%, Addr%, cmdstring$, Result$, Re
sult_code%) as integer
Set up SRE and ESE values first, then process User
commands, then do *OPC
cmd$ = “*ESE 49; *SRE 48; ” + cmdstring$ + “; *OPC”
Send the command string
Call DLLsend(Board%, Addr%, cmd$, Len(cmd$), Nlend,
ibsta%, iberr%, ibcntl&)
Wait for either the MAV_bit (Message Available)
or/and the ESB_bit (*OPC)
WaitSRQ(Board, Address, MAV_bit + ESB_bit, stb)
If (stb And MAV_bit) Then
Read the data string out from the ML2430A
Result_Code% = ReadML2430A(Board, Address, Result$)
If we did not have the ESB_bit set, wait for
it again (*OPC will set this)
If (stb And ESB_bit) = 0 Then WaitSRQ(Board, Address,
ESB_bit, stb)
End if
Check if anything went wrong by asking for the ESB register
Call DLLsend(Board, Address, “*ESR?”, 5, NLend, ibsta%, iberr%, ibcntl&)
Wait for it to return the data on the output queue.
WaitSRQ(Board, Address, MAV_bit, stb)
ReadML2430A(Board, Address, ESB)
Read the ESB value
Check the ESB for the OPC bit being set
(pending commands complete).
If (Val(ESB) and 1) Then
4882SendReceive = True
Everything sent
end if
Now check if anything has gone wrong.
If (Val(ESB) And CMD_ERR_bit) Then
4882SendReceive = Command_Error
ElseIf (Val(ESB) And EXEC_ERR_bit) Then
ML2430A OM 6-131