
ESB If any of the event register bits are set and the corresponding event status enable
bits are set the ESB bit in the status byte will be set. This bit can be used to set
an SRQ by setting the same bit in the SRE register using the *SRE command.
The ESB bit is cleared when the ESR is read by using the *ESR? command
(pages 6-14, 6-54, 6-101).
Throughout the ML24XXA (native) mode section of this chapter, the distinctive,
white on black text, in the upper corner of each command description area, indi
cates the Functional Group to which the command belongs (Figure 6-1). All
ML24XXA (native) commands are presented by Functional Group in Appendix B,
GPIB Quick Reference.
The Functional Groups are:
BNC Commands in this group are used to configure the rear panel BNC inputs and
CALIBRATION The CALIBRATION group commands are used for the 0.0 dBm reference calibra-
tion and zeroing of the power sensors.
CHANNEL The CHANNEL command group controls the configuration of the two channels.
When both channels are activated, Channel 1 appears at the top of the display
and Channel 2 at the bottom. If one channel is turned off, the remaining channel
appears in the center of the screen.
Commands in this function group are used to place data on the GPIB to be read
by the controller.
DISPLAY These commands control characteristics of the display, including the peakmeter
reading display and contrast adjustments.
GPIB 488.2 This group contains the GPIB 488.2 mandatory commands. Refer to the IEEE
488.2-1987 Standards documents for further information.
GPIB SETUP The commands in this group control the GPIB Address, GPIB command set emu
lation mode (ML24XXA, ML4803A or HP Emulation), and other parameters.
Commands in this group are used to configure GPIB triggering and setup the
GPIB Group Execute Trigger (GET) and TR commands (TR0, TR1, TR2, TR3).
Note that these commands are exclusive to GPIB, and do not have equivalent
front panel operations.
The PROFILE SETUP function group commands change how the profile is dis
played on the screen. Note that the Display Trigger configuration commands
(DTRGD and GRPRD) in this group do not change how the system triggers, only
where the graph is drawn after a trigger has occurred. Refer to the TRIGGER
group functions to configure the measurement triggering.
6-10 ML2430A OM