
For smaller values of display trigger delay, it is possible
that the display will cover time intervals (on the left of the
display) for which there is no data. In these conditions, the
cursors are normally prevented from displaying data
taken there as it will be in
error (there is no data). The position of ‘x’ is nominally
10% of the screen. This can be altered to any percentage
the user requires in the
SYSTEM|more|more|GRAPHICS preferences menu as
the PRETRIGGER percentage. It can also be set to
ZERO to remove pretrigger data and prevent confusion in
cases of small display trigger delays.
Profile can display A, B, or A–B measurements. Note that
in the case of a ratioed measurement (A–B), the data is
calculated as a straight dB difference (not a LINEAR mw
difference). This is not the same as a MODULATED
POWER AVERAGE measurement.
4. As well as the CURSOR readouts described above, the POWER AVERAGE
method can be used to display the average power between the two cursors. This
is performed as a TRUE AVERAGE and is the actual average of all the data
points between and including the cursors. By placing the cursors on the top of a
pulse, the flat top power can be measured. By placing the cursors with a period of
the pulse, the average power of the pulse is calculated. This is more accurate
than a simple duty cycle calculation which makes assumptions about the pulse
shape. Use the SENSOR|AVERAGE menu to enable this readout method.
The display resolution is 200 pixels. Consider this effect
on the resolution of timing data. For example, a 1
millisecond PROFILE window would have a cursor resolu
tion on the display of 5 microseconds.
The LIMITS test functions on PROFILE data, and can be
configured to BEEP on fail conditions.
Advanced Triggering
and Setup Options
The other aspects of triggering allow for fine tuning of the trigger conditions. This
1. Selection of HIGH or LOW going edge in External TTL.
2. Level setting on Internal A or B trigger, as well as polarity - HIGH or LOW
3. ARMING via an External BLANKING input. When ARMING is set to Blanking
ON, only samples taken when the rear panel Digital Input BNC is active will be
averaged in the measurement. The polarity of the rear panel Digital Input BNC
signal can be set (high or low) using the System|Rear Panel|BNC|TTL LEVEL
menu setting. When ARMING is set to Blanking OFF, all samples are read.
4. In the SYSTEM|more|more|GRAPHICS menu, there are options for:
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