
IEEE 488.1 level commands are in the form of data byte codes with the attention
(ATN) line set. A separate function is normally provided to drive these commands
from a GPIB program. A typical GPIB driver library call for 488.1 and 488.2 is
given for each of the following commands. Refer to the IEEE 488.1 and
IEEE488.2 device driver manuals for full definitions of the responses, and to find
the actual command format for your GPIB driver library.
Device CLear (DCL)
and Selected Device
Clear (SDC)
These commands clear the GPIB device interface and have the following effects:
All buffered messages waiting to be processed are cleared.
All buffered data waiting to be read from the device is cleared.
Stop any pending actions.
For example, if a request for data has been sent, and the system is waiting for the
reading to be triggered, the system would wait until the reading has been pro
vided before any further GPIB commands can be processed. The device clear
will clear the data request so further GPIB commands after the device clear has
completed can be actioned.
Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibclr' and 488.2 'DevClear'.
Device trigger (GET) This command triggers a GPIB device. An action predefined by the setup of the
device being triggered will take place. On the ML2430A Series, the device trigger
provides a trigger of the type defined by the GTn commands previously sent and
a reading put into the output buffer for each display channel that is not OFF. In
Profile mode, the profile display for the selected channel only is output.
Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibtrg' and 488.2 'Trigger'.
Goto local (GTL) This command forces the device out of remote mode and into local operation
mode. The local operation keys and menus are now available.
Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibloc' and 488.2 'EnableLocal'.
Interface clear (IFC) This is part of the GPIB initialization and forces the board to the controller in
Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibsic' and 488.2 'SendIFC'.
Local lockout (LLO) Sends the local lockout to all devices. The local lockout disables the 'LOCAL' key
on all the devices.
Typical device library calls are 488.1 'ibconfig' plus correct option and 488.2
Serial poll This command will clear any SRQ's and read the status byte of the device.
6-6 ML2430A OM