Command Function Page
OFFCLR Clear an offset table 6-60
OFFFIX(?) Offset fixed value 6-61
OFFTBL(?) Select an offset table 6-61
OFFTBR Output an offset table 6-62
OFFTBU Update an offset table 6-62
OFFTYP(?) Offset type to use 6-63
OFFVAL Sensor Offset Value 6-63
RGH(?) Range Hold Sensor 6-67
SENMM(?) Sensor Measuremet mode 6-69
SENMO(?) Universal Sensor operation mode 6-69
SENSTL(?) Set Sensor Settle Percentage 6-70
SENTYP Return sensor information 6-70
Table B-11. System Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
*RCL Recall a stored setup 6-10
*SAV Save configuration 6-15
BAUTS(?) Battery Auto State 6-19
BAUTT(?) Battery Auto shut off after
minutes 6-20
BUFF GPIB response buffering enabled 6-20
CUR Cursor movement in Power vs. Time and Source Sweep modes 6-29
DBLGHT(?) Battery LCD Back light mode 6-31
DBLTIM(?) Auto Backlight OFF timer setting 6-32
ENTERR(?) Entry Error beep 6-36
FBEEP(?) Fail Beep On/Off 6-38
FROFF(?) Frequency/Offset display 6-39
FRST Factory Reset 6-39
GRAUTO Auto scaling 6-40
GRDDT(?) Power vs. Time data display time 6-41
KEYCK(?) Turn key click sound on or off 6-51
MODDEL Modem redial delay time 6-54
MODINIT Initialize modem 6-54
MODLIM Autodial enable for limits failure 6-54
MODPH Autodial phone number 6-55
MODPWR Autodial enable for power on 6-55
MODRED Redial count 6-55
MODRNG Autodial enable for range error 6-56
OPMD(?) Operation mode 6-65
PRINT Send details to the connected printer 6-65
PRNSEL Select the type of printer 6-66
RSBAUD(?) Set the RS232 Baud rate 6-67
SECURE(?) Secure system state 6-68
SRCMOD(?) Source sweep mode 6-70
SRCSTRFQ(?) Source sweep start frequency 6-71
SRCSPFRQ(?) Source sweep stop frequency 6-70
SRCSTPWR(?) Source sweep start power 6-71
SRCSPPWR(?) Source sweep stop power 6-71
ML2430A OM B-5