Connected Device Character Sequence
Computer connected directly "+++at\r\rS\n"
Modem offline from phone network
Sequence will be seen if remote connection
modem status data followed by "S\n"
Modem connected through to remote com
GPIB/RS232 Modem
The following table lists the GPIB/RS232 Modem Commands and the special se
rial interface only commands:
Command Parameter Definition
!BYE RS232-type command only, allows the remote PC to
instruct the power meter to tell its local modem to
hang-up. This ensures that when communication is
completed, the modems at both ends of the line can
be disconnected and the telephone line released.
!DCL RS232 type command only. Clears all buffered
GPIB/RS232 messages waiting to be processed.
Clears all buffered GPIB/RS232 data waiting to be
output. Stops any pending actions.
!SPL RS232 type command only. Allows a GPIB type se-
rial poll to be requested in response to an SRQ from
the power meter. This will return the instrument sta-
tus register and clear the SRQ bit within that register.
The *CLS command should be used to clear the rest
of the register.
MODDEL <value> Modem redial delay time, 1 to 10 minutes (default =
5 min.)
MODINIT Initialize connected modem
MODLIM <TRUE|FALSE> Autodial enable for limits failure
MODPH <string> Phone number - up to 40 characters
MODPWR <TRUE|FALSE> Autodial enable for power on
MODRED <value> Modem redial count, 0 to 10 (default = 5)
MODRNG <TRUE|FALSE> Autodial enable for range failure
The RS232-type commands (!BYE, !SPL and !DCL) do NOT require terminating.
All other commands or command strings require a new line character to
Refer to Section 4-7, System Menu, for information on using the front panel
menus to configure modem operation. Refer to Section 6-10, ML24XX Native
GPIB Commands, for information on using GPIB commands to configure modem
ML2430A OM 5-7