
The following tables reference ML4803A emulation mode commands.
Table B-14. ML4803A Emulation Mode Commands
Command Function Page
AVE Sensor averaging setting 6-85
CAL Set the user cal factor value 6-65
CCA Clear the user cal factor to zero 6-86
CDJ Perform a Cal 0 dBm 6-86
COF Clear the offset value to zero 6-86
COS Turn ON the 50 MHz, 0 dBm RF calibrator output 6-86
CRF Clear the reference value to zero 6-86
CST Turn OFF the 50 MHz, 0 dBm RF calibrator output 6-86
DBM Sets the display channel units to dBm 6-86
DBR Set the display channel units to dB and takes the relative value 6-86
EMUL GPIB emulation mode 6-86
MCA Set the cal factor value at the specified memory location in dBm 6-87
MCC Clears the cal factor value at the specified memory location 6-87
MCO Clears the offset value at the specified memory location 6-87
MCQ Clears the frequency value at the specified memory location 6-87
MCR Clears the reference value at the specified memory location 6-88
MCT Clears all values at the specified memory location 6-88
MDI Disable memory store setting and use 6-88
MEN Enable setting of the memory stores and apply the last memory store configured 6-88
MFG Set the frequency value at the specified memory location in GHz 6-88
MFM Set the frequency value at the specified memory location in MHz 6-88
MOF Set the offset value at the specified memory location in dBm 6-88
MRF Set the reference value at the specified memory location in dBm 6-89
ODT Output the current calibration factor, offset value, and reference level 6-89
OFF Set sensor offset value 6-90
OI? Request identity 6-90
OMR Output a memory store set of data 6-90
OPW Request for channel reading 6-91
REF Set the reference value 6-93
RNG Sensor measurement range hold 6-93
SRQ Turns on or off the SRQ on output data ready 6-93
STA Restart averaging reading 6-94
WAT Set the display channel unit to Watts 6-94
ZAJ Zero the sensor 6-94
ML2430A OM B-9