HP 438A Commands
Mnemonic Action Supported? Restrictions
AD Config to A-B Yes None
AE Select sensor A Yes None
AP Config to A Yes None
AR Config A/B Yes None
BD Config to B-A Yes None
BE Select sensor B Yes None
BP Config to B Yes None
BR Config to B/A Yes None
CL CAL 0 dBm Yes None
CS Clear status Yes None
DA Set all screen pixels Yes None
DD Disable display Yes DISP OFF restrictions: Screen and min/
max not updated, Relative not active.
DE Display enable Yes DISP ON. None.
DO Display to offset No Not supported
EN Enter msg terminator Yes None
FA Auto average Yes None
FH Average hold Yes None
FM Manual average Yes None
GT0 Ignore GET Yes None
GT1 TR1 on GET Yes None
GT2 TR2 on GET Yes None
KB Set cal factor Yes None
LG Units to dBm Yes None
LH Set high limit Yes On channel not sensor.
LL Set low limit Yes On channel not sensor
LM0 Limit check off Yes Both high and low off as HP437B
LM1 Limit check on Yes Both high and low on as HP437B
LN Units to Watts Yes None
LP1 Learn mode1 No Not supported
LP2 Learn mode2 No Not supported
OC0 RF calibrator off Yes None
OC1 RF calibrator on Yes None
OS Set offset value Yes OSDOEN not supported
PR Preset Yes None
RA Auto range Yes None
RC Recall setup Yes Limited to 10 stores
RH Range hold Yes None
RL0 Relative mode off Yes None
RL1 New relative value Yes None
RM Set sensor range Yes ML2430A ranges
B-18 ML2430A OM