Appendix B
GPIB Quick Reference
This appendix contains quick reference tables for all supported com
mands. Native mode commands are sorted by functional group. For de
tailed command explanations, refer to the page references listed.
The following tables reference ML24XXA (native) mode commands. A
command followed by a (?) indicates that there is an equivalent query
command for that function (see Table B-13).
Table B-1. BNC Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
IBBLP Blanking active TTL level 6-41
OBACM(?) AC modulation output polarity 6-57
OBCH(?) BNC output port channel configuration 6-57
OBDSP(?) BNC analog output display stop value 6-45
OBDST(?) BNC analog output display start value 6-58
OBMD(?) BNC output mode select 6-59
OBPL(?) BNC pass/fail pass level 6-59
OBVSP(?) BNC analog output stop voltage scale 6-59
OBVST(?) BNC analog output start voltage scale 6-60
OBZL(?) BNC RF blanking output level 6-60
Table B-2. Calibration Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
CAL Calibrate the selected sensor to 0 dBm 6-21
RFCAL(?) Turn RF reference calibrator ON or OFF 6-67
VZERO Zero the BNC input connector 6-82
ZERO Zero the sensor 6-82
ML2430A OM B-1