
To view the time profile of a signal, enter the PROFILE mode via
TIME ). Parameters needed to set up a PROFILE display are:
1. TRIGGER|SETUP provides access to a special TRIGGER configura
tion options. The default mode is CONTINUOUS which provides for a
non-synchronized, oscilloscope type display. This type of display is
useful for general monitoring of a signal and showing its variation over
time. The settings for the DELAY and gate WIDTH provide the points
at which the measurement is triggered and read out of the cursor. The
other options are similar to other triggering modes.
2. SYSTEM|PROFILE sets up the channel (1 or 2 ) to be displayed and
the time-axis, as well as the way that the data is displayed (for exam
ple, monitoring the minimum or maximum data over time). Note that in
all cases, the PROFILE|CHANNEL selection (1 or 2 ) relates to a
measurement channel set up in the CHANNEL menu, not directly to
the A or B sensors.
If the DATA HOLD mode is set to display min or max data,
as opposed to the default (NORMAL), the display will
continue to track the min/max until the DATA HOLD mode
is returned to NORMAL.
3. SYSTEM|CONTROL provides control over the readout and CURSORs
as well as the scaling of the display. From the CURSOR menu (using
the << and >> arrows) the positions of the readout cursors can be ad
justed. The cursors directly relate to the DELAY and gate WIDTH pa
rameters in the TRIGGER|SETUP menu, but allow for visual move
ment of the parameters on the display itself. The TRIGGER|SETUP
menu requires direct entry of the actual parameters when the timing
criteria is known.
TYPICAL SETUP A typical situation with no triggering (CONTINUOUS):
1. Select SYSTEM|SETUP|PRESET to reset the instrument to the standard de
fault conditions (see Appendix A, Section A-3 for a listing of the system defaults).
2. Connect sensor A to the signal source.
3. Select SYSTEM|SETUP and press MODE to select PROFILE.
4. Press CLR or any other menu key to return to the display screen. The display
now shows a power profile of sensor A on channel 1.
5. Press SYSTEM|CONTROL to get access to the cursor. Press << and >> to
move the selected cursor, and SWAP to select the other cursor.
ML2430A OM 5-11
Dynamic range is lim-
ited in Profile mode to
DC ranges only. For
maximum dynamic
range, measured sig-
nals need to be repeti-
tive (not single-shot)
when profiling over less
than 30ms width.
Above this, single-shot
profiles can be mea
sured over the full dy
namic range.
To operate the Univer
sal power sensors in
profile mode Option 1
must be fitted. Activate
option 1 mode before
selecting profile mode
under the SENSOR |
CW menu.