Send(0, 13, “O 1”, 3L, NLend);
Receive(0, 13, buffer[i], 20, STOPend);
Settling (%) Power Level (dBm) Readings/Second
0.1 0 160
0.1 –30 160
10.0 –30 160
The 0.1% settling on –30 dBm power level results were not improved because of
the amount of time needed to settle to 0.1% on –30 dBm.
Using the FAST command (page 6-37) limits the types of measurements that can
be taken. As some processes are turned off, higher measurement speeds can be
achieved. FAST will not operate when sent via RS232. When THE FAST ON
command is selected, the readout display is also turned OFF.
Using FAST mode only increases speed when asking for
one measurement at a time, using the ‘Receive’ command.
C code example:
/* send fast mode ON*/
Send(0, 13, “FAST ON”, 7L, NLend);
/* Setup the power meter into talk addressed. In this mode */
/* we can read from power meter without readdressing each */
/* time. */
/* Now read 10 readings */
for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++)
Settling (%) Power Level (dBm) Readings/Second
0.1 0 150
0.1 –30 150
10.0 0 610
10.0 –30 250
The 0.1% settling on –30 dBm power level results were not improved because of
the time needed to settle to 0.1% at –30 dBm.
5-22 ML2430A OM