
Table B-3. Channel Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
CHCFG(?) Channel input configuration 6-28
CHRES(?) Set channel decimal point resolution 6-28
CHUNIT(?) Set Channel units 6-28
FHOLD(?) Fail indicators Hold 6-38
HLIM(?) Set High limits 6-49
HLIMS(?) Turn on/off High limits 6-50
HOLD(?) Graph hold 6-50
LLIM(?) Set Low limits 6-52
LLIMS(?) Turn on/off Low limits 6-52
MMRST Minimum and maximum Tracking reset 6-53
MNMXS(?) Track minimum and maximum values 6-53
REL(?) Relative control 6-67
Table B-4. Data Output Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
ERRLST Returns the DDE error list 6-36
GMNMX Return Graph minimum and maximum values 6-39
GRDRQ Return Graph Data readout 6-41
MNGDB Output Min Graph Binary Data 6-47
MNGD Output Min Graph Data 6-53
MXGDB Output Max Graph Binary Data 6-49
MXGD Output Max Graph Data 6-56
O Return display channel reading 6-57
OGBD Output Graph binary data 6-63
OGD Output Graph data 6-64
ON Output number of channel readings 6-64
STATUS Replies with the power meter’s current state code 6-72
STERR Returns the results of the POST or *TST? command 6-74
SYSLD Sets the store number for the saved setup 6-74
SYSRD Output the saved setup over the GPIB 6-75
Table B-5. Display Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
DCONT(?) Set display Contrast 6-32
DCONTD Set display contrast down by one 6-33
DCONTU Set display contrast up by one 6-33
DISP(?) Display ON or OFF 6-33
DPEAK(?) Peak meter display 6-33
B-2 ML2430A OM