
”Save “”cal_file"" now."
'Save “cal_file” now.'
<Arbitrary ASCII> This notation represents undelimited 7-bit ASCII text. The end of the text must be
terminated with the line feed character (0Ah, decimal 10) or a GPIB End of Trans
mission State (EOI), or both. This requirement makes it necessary for <Arbitrary
ASCII> text to be transmitted only at the end of a program or response message,
that is, at the end of a multiple input or output statement.
Example of data represented by <Arbitrary ASCII> notation:
Anritsu,2410A,123456,1.0<0A^EOI> The example shows a sample response
from the *IDN?, 488.2 common query. In the example, the instrument identifies it
self as an Anritsu 2410A, with serial number 123456, and software version 1.0 in
stalled. Note that decimal 10 (0Ah character) must be sent with the EOI to signal
end of transmission.
<Arbitrary Block> This notation represents data transmitted as 8-bit data bytes (00-FF hex, 0-255
decimal, notation is <DAB>). Useful for transmitting large blocks of formatted
ASCII or binary data or unformatted binary data. The data stream is immediately
preceded by a variable length ASCII header that is encoded with the number of
data bytes to be sent. The header always starts with the (#) character.
Many ML24XXA (native) GPIB commands have an equivalent query command
that will return a current value or setting. Query commands and their returned
strings are provided with each command where applicable.
A complete listing of valid query commands and returned strings is provided in
Appendix B, Section B-2.
6-4 ML2430A OM