162 Using GPS
A Download Wizard then opens and allows you to download a map of your
choice for free. After the download is completed, the map is automatically
added to TomTom Navigator. For more information about the steps on
downloading the free map, refer to the Quick Start Guide.
To determine your current position
You must be outdoors with your device so that the built-in GPS receiver can
determine your current position. The first time you start Navigator, it can
take up to 5 minutes to find your current position. If it takes longer than
5 minutes, make sure that you are in an open place without tall buildings
or trees around you. In the future, your position will be found much faster,
normally within a few seconds.
Tip For your GPS receiver to determine your current position faster, use
QuickGPS first to download the latest Ephemeris data to your device. For
more information about QuickGPS, see “Downloading Satellite Data via
QuickGPS“ earlier in this chapter.
Driving View
After you have completed the Setup Wizard and Download Wizard,
Navigator displays the Driving View. The Driving View is shown in black and
white until your device’s GPS receiver locates your current position. Once
your current position is determined, the Driving View is shown in full color
and shows your position on the map.
1 Tap to zoom in on your current position.
2 Shows the name of the next major road
or road sign information, if applicable.
3 Tap to zoom out on your current
4 Indicates your current position.
5 Shows an arrow that indicates the
direction that you should follow, and
shows the distance from your current
position to the next turn of the road.
You can also tap this area to repeat the
last spoken instruction and to adjust
the volume.