60 Using Phone Features
Tap and hold the contact to pop up the shortcut menu
• To send a text message to the selected contact, tap and hold the
contact, and tap Send Text Message.
To view or edit information associated with the selected contact, tap the
contact’s name on the shortcut menu (applies only to entries stored in
Contacts on your device).
Set up Smart Dialing
1. On the Phone screen, tap Menu > Smart Dialing Options.
2. On the Options tab, select the Enable Smart Dialing check box.
• Select the Automatically expand selected contact check box to
enable a contact’s name and phone number to be displayed when
the contact is selected in the matching list.
• Select the Enable drag-scroll check box to scroll in the matched
list by dragging.
• Select the Enable double-click for dialing check box to make a
voice call by double-tapping the item in the matched list.
• Select the Expand panel when using hardware keyboard check
box to automatically expand the Smart Dialing panel when you
are using the hardware keyboard to input.
• In Scroll unit, you can set the amount of scrolling when tapping
the arrows (
/ ).