Nokia 002F4W8 Cell Phone User Manual

SMS (short message
service) 118
software applications 153
software update 20
songs 64
sounds 49
speaker phone 31
special characters, text
entry 118
Speech 159
standby mode 51, 161
streaming links 99
streaming media 144
Symbian applications 153
settings 104
synchronisation of data 158
text entry 117
text messages
receiving and reading 120
replying to 120
sending 118
settings 124
SIM messages 123
themes 48
time and date 147
time zone settings 147
time-out for backlight 161
tones 49
ring settings 50
settings 161
toolbar 79, 91
transferring data 24
transferring music 67
troubleshooting 175
trust settings 165
TV configuration 162
tv-out mode 92
unlocking keypad 28, 164
UPIN code 21
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play
architecture) 100
UPUK code 21
USB cable connection 46
useful information 19
video calls 132, 134
options during 133
Video Centre 106
Video centre
downloading 106
viewing 106
video clips
shared 134
video settings 87
Visual Radio 73
voice applications 157
voice calls
voice commands 131, 157
voice recorder 146
volume controls 31
wallpaper 48
web connection 33
web logs 35
week settings, calendar 148
welcome 24
welcome note 161
WEP 172
widgets 35
wireless LAN (WLAN) 40
wireless LAN settings 173
Word, Microsoft 150
world clock 147
WPA 172
wrist strap 17
zip manager 152
zooming 80, 85