Chapter 2 117
Command Definitions A-B
If the NOREUSE option is used, deleted record space is not reused. If the
DUP option is specified for a key, duplicate records are placed
chronologically at the tail end of the file. The default is NOREUSE.
langid An integer number indicating the native language of the KSAM file to be
built. The default is 0, or NATIVE-3000. The language must be currently
configured on the system. See the Native Language documentation for
more information.
langname The name indicating the native language for the KSAM file to be built. The
default language is NATIVE-3000. The language must be currently
configured on the system. See the Native Language documentation for
more information.
DEFBLK or OPTMBLK These two options apply only to KSAM files. DEFBLK specifies that
the data block size will be the default data block size of 4096 bytes.
OPTMBLK specifies that KSAMXL will select the optional data block size
based on the record size. The default is DEFBLK.
NOTE The file system uses the values specified on the BUILD command line to
compute other characteristics of the file. Therefore, the values (or default
values) may be valid within their respective fields, but may cause overflow
errors in the computation of internally needed file specifications.
Operation Notes
This command builds a new file on disk. If it is an ASCII file, the initially allocated file
space is initialized to blanks. If it is a binary file, the file space is initialized to zeros.
Unless the TEMP parameter is specified, the file is saved in the permanent file domain. To
create a permanent file, you must have save file (SF) capability and SAVE access in the
group to which the new file belongs. You can only build a file belonging to your logon
If specified, the DEV= parameter must be consistent with the group to which the new file
belongs. If the group's home volume set is not mounted, BUILD implicitly generates a
volume set reservation request. If the volume is not recognized by the system, the
command fails. Refer to Volume Management Reference Manual.
The default characteristics of a file created with the BUILD command are: fixed length
records of 128 words each, a blocking factor of 1, binary formatted, permanent file, a record
limit of 1023, and a maximum of 8 extents with 0 extent initially allocated. This is
equivalent to entering:
This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing
Break has no effect on this command.