
Chapter 5 345
Command Definitions L-O
SECTORS The number of sectors allocated for the file on disk. This number is always
a multiple of 16 (the page size in MPE/iX). This value is an indication of
the size of the file.
#X Number of extents. This number is displayed only to maintain
compatibility with MPE V/E. This value does not indicate the size of the
file. The variable-extent structure of MPE/iX permits a file to have a
variable number of extents, all of variable size.
MX Maximum number of extents. This number is displayed only to maintain
compatibility with MPE V/E. If the value is greater than 32 (the limit on
MPE V/E), then * is displayed.
3 3 Displays the file name, record size, extent size, number of records, user's access rights,
and other file characteristics including the date created, modified, and last accessed.
The same information for MPE and HFS files is displayed except for the following
Fully qualified MPE file name is replaced by an absolute pathname.
Creator field displays the fully qualified user ID (user.acct) of the file
For MPE groups, the SECURITY field displays SAVE; for entries other than
MPE groups it is blank. All file access matrix fields are blank for anything
other than MPE accounts, MPE groups, and files in an MPE group.
The LOCKWORD field is omitted.
The creator, group id, and label address are omitted in FORMAT=3. These can be
obtained by specifying -3 if you have sufficient capability (AM or SM)
4 Displays the security matrix for the file. This includes account, group and file-level
security, and the access rights for the user.
For MPE groups and MPE accounts, the security matrix for group, account, and
account-only are displayed. The rest of the fields of the file access matrix are blank.
For HFS directories, and files within HFS directories, all the fields of the file access
matrix are blank. In addition, LISTFILE displays the message ACD EXISTS.
5 5 Shows LISTFILE,3 data and all file-specific data in LISTFILE,3 type format
(KSAM, SPOOL, and symbolic links). If a file has no unique data, only the option 3
data is shown.
6 Shows the absolute pathname of the file.
7 Shows all file specific data in LISTFILE,5 type format, but does not show
LISTFILE,3 data. If a file has no unique data, only the file name is displayed.
Default = 0 (FILES).
8 Shows all accessors of the files listed. Restrictions apply
9 Shows level 8 information and details about processes accessing the files including file
locking data. Restrictions apply.
Option Displayed Information